We are doers. And I guess we like projects. Not that we have the time and the money to do all of them, but we have a vision. I like that! My honey is the dreamer, and I the realistic yin to the yang. It works and has worked for almost 10 years. Yes that's right almost 10 years! No one would have dreamed that up, way back when!
Since we are back everything has been as if we never moved, almost like this past summer was a dream. I very nice dream for me! God only knows the reasons, but I know that the out come will be good. I went back to Thelma's, for a once over, last Saturday, just to see what was left behind and I found that there was some emotion still there. I don't think it had to do with me at all, but the fact that there was no trace of my Mammaw there. Everything was gone. Nothing left in that old house just like her. There's the shells but all the "stuff" that made them special is gone.
New chapter...Kuppster went right back to school without skipping a beat, Jason went to work like he did before. I started working like I did before and whatever Hootie did or does, He kept it up too. Life is good and God is great. I have been blessed beyond what I deserve. With God's grace, Jason and I won't kill each other while we make our visions reality!
Don't mind Jason's crack!
The brother-in-law helping with the electric!
almost done here!