Sunday, January 23, 2011

Are we there yet?

Ok...It seems like a million years ago since we (or Jason) started looking for a house back in Hendo.  Now we are getting down to the knitty gritty.  The looking is over.  The papers are signed and we are down to the wire on moving in!  Bitter sweet though.  I'm going to miss the comfort of my hometown, but in the last 10 years Hendo has become my hometown too.  It's the hometown of my husband and of my kiddos.
In a few days we will be into our new home and getting adjusted to life there.  It's been a slow process which in a way has gave me plenty of time to adjust.
A normal person would probably go crazy with the moving and a shaking that we do.  I do think that the stars aligned when Jason and I met and shortly got married.  He is a BIG dreamer and I don't get shook up:)
We are back and things have fell in place perfectly with very few snags and I would like to thank God for blessing this process and transition.
For 2 weeks we have been staying with my In-laws.  OK, before you start to feel sorry for me, it has been pretty painless.  I pray every morning that we not get offended or wear our feelings on our sleeves.  It has to be what has kept us from killing one another:)  It's totally hard to combine 2 families together, who are in different stages in life and co-habitat harmoniously.  I am very proud of us.  I owe my Mother-in-law, big time, for doing our laundry more than once. (She probably didn't like seeing it in the baskets:)
Now we are so close to moving in. We are so anxious to get back to a normal life and start this next page in the Cox saga.

Are we there yet? Close and it wouldn't be long now!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hello 2011!

Well, of course I decided that I should shed some pounds this year, like millions of other people in the world.  I also decided to take in something more than bread.  This was an easy choice for a 2011 resolution.  I am going to read the Bible in 1 year. 
I'm really excited because some of the best and wonderful Christian women, I know, read or have read It in 365 days.
I want to crave the word of God instead of craving the "bread alone."  Wanting to be a better witness I in the world can I do that if I don't know what to say?
"Hey, you sinner over there!"
"You wanna get some Jesus?"
That maybe a perfect way to catch the "fish," but what am I going to say after I reel them in?  God has gave me the boldness to approach people and it's an awesome gift, but now I have get a game plan after the thrill of the catch.
That is where filling up with the Word will definitely come in handy.  I mean what's the point of "fishing"  if we just release them back into the world without cleaning them first.
Even after all the reading and praying, I might not have the most sophisticated words roll off my tongue, but I'm sure the perfect words that He needs me to say, to the right person, will be there.
I try to keep in mind that young children have to learn basic mathematics before they can start understanding calculus.  So I might just have to teach pre-school:)

If you haven't made a resolution for 2011, I have a simple one for you.  Please say a prayer for me everyday for one year.