Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hello 2011!

Well, of course I decided that I should shed some pounds this year, like millions of other people in the world.  I also decided to take in something more than bread.  This was an easy choice for a 2011 resolution.  I am going to read the Bible in 1 year. 
I'm really excited because some of the best and wonderful Christian women, I know, read or have read It in 365 days.
I want to crave the word of God instead of craving the "bread alone."  Wanting to be a better witness I in the world can I do that if I don't know what to say?
"Hey, you sinner over there!"
"You wanna get some Jesus?"
That maybe a perfect way to catch the "fish," but what am I going to say after I reel them in?  God has gave me the boldness to approach people and it's an awesome gift, but now I have get a game plan after the thrill of the catch.
That is where filling up with the Word will definitely come in handy.  I mean what's the point of "fishing"  if we just release them back into the world without cleaning them first.
Even after all the reading and praying, I might not have the most sophisticated words roll off my tongue, but I'm sure the perfect words that He needs me to say, to the right person, will be there.
I try to keep in mind that young children have to learn basic mathematics before they can start understanding calculus.  So I might just have to teach pre-school:)

If you haven't made a resolution for 2011, I have a simple one for you.  Please say a prayer for me everyday for one year. 

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck to you with both resolutions. Glad the blog is going again.
