Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Mom & Dad's
College Street
Pebble Creek
Stapp Drive
Mattingly Drive
Wood Drive
Wood Drive Cul-de-sac
B.F. Overfield Road

     This is a list of the places that I have lived since 1979.  The first I lived for 20 years and the eighth, I lived for 5 years!  I am 31 years old.  Let's say that I am very good at packing and unpacking, but I feel my enthusiasm is dying.  My home on B.F. Overfield Road was going to be my home FOREVER, but that's not what was in the stars or in my husbands dreams either.  He had a grand dream.  A dream of moving me back to my hometown.  Well, not just my hometown, but 300 yards from where I was raised my whole childhood.  Before I moved out of my Mom and Dad's, I thought that people grew up and lived in a house until their death.  I had never been around crazy people that moved when the carpet got dirty.  That's what my Mom says we do:)  I was sheltered and naive.
     I'm not saying that any of this was bad, just not what I had pictured.  Moving helps you in a way.  You hold on to the important things and purge all the crap-o that you held on to for too long.  You quickly find out who your true friends are and the extra ones you need to purge too:)  Note to friends that stuck around:  You get a lot of good "crap"  when the Cox's move, don't you?  Yes, Mame!
     I am very glad that my hubby (in his BIG dream kind of way) finally got me to move back to good ole' Tolu.  It gave me a moment to reconnect with people I hadn't seen in a long time, come back to the great feeling that this old house gives me,  my boys got to spend the summer with Mammaw and Pappaw and I recharged on where I came from.
     Moving back to Tolu was not my idea!  I repeat, this was not my idea.  I fought Jason, tooth and nail, over moving back here.  I told him there was "nothing there, that's why I moved."  Those were my exact words.  Now...I realize that everything is here. 
     Being the most wonderful wife in the world, I totally understand why he doesn't think it's as grand as he first thought it would be.  Being the amazing wife, I am, I know why we gotta to pack up those GAMCO boxes one more time.  It's called love.
     I really can't complain too much about moving back to Hendo.  I did get a bigger house.  It has a basement that I dearly missed!  This one has a bathroom downstairs so there is no reason the kids have to come up at all now.  I'll just throw a couple of bologna sandwiches down and a jug of Kool-aid twice a day!  I have plenty of acres for a chicken coop and a room for the tanning bed....you know the important things!

Here is a picture of the new hacienda!

Nice, huh?  In that Brady Bunch kinda way!
See those big bushes?  Imagine my four-wheeler yanking them out of the ground!

1 comment:

  1. I don't want you to go!!!! I started crying just reading this post!! I know we haven't spent as much time together over the holidays and with the boys being sick but we are going to miss you guys so bad!! I know you're only an hour away but still we have grown to love you guys and it just won't be the same!!!! I will so miss FNCN and the El Roncho Dinero meals! And what will I do when I need more laundry detergent?

    BTW, let me know when you're purging and I'll take some of your crap :).
